Monday, August 31, 2009
just fuck my life.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
was asked to update blog by mei nu...
i got nothing to update man...
im eating calbee mayonnaise crackers now...just finish watching the news.
and amused that my mum is so jealous of eliza these days.
1) last night's dinner was great(?). if only the world was simple as last night, putting everything back in our minds and just enjoying the meal, laughing, joking around, laughing at each other getting drunk. little did we know that it wasnt as happy as we thought.
2) i miss my friends, suddenly feeling quite empty now... miss eating at foodhaven with erynne and eliza.
i miss amber, bolin, charmaine, dorcas, ralene. when's our next tybm meeting? i know one of us surely cannot come out one.
say hello to a new addition in my adidas bag collection.
Adidas Core Teambag E44277

mine is in army colour.little ugly but sure it's big enough.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
cool, raining again, heavily...
5.29am in the morning and im still fucking awake again...
i could just use the time to do something better.
can someone just pull me out of this shit?
im so fucking sorry, erynne... that i missed your message and school today.
im just so bad at words, so bad at saying sorry..
and im also sorry that you lost your phone.
fucking outta here.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
im so screwing myself...
finally being able to sleep at 6am and i totally slept through sunday till 9.47pm
didnt wake up for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner, so now im just hanging there halfway.
i dunno wad to do man. guess i will just wake and wash up and eat and stay awake through the night.
ok, im fucking bored and tired. but i cant get to sleep...
come on, like what time is it? 5.47am
im like totally just staring into blank and blasting music softly alone in the room.
what is wrong with me? what the heck am i thinking? what shit is stopping me from sleeping?
so much for wanting to catch up with some quality rest over the weekend.
i totally seriously look like some asshole, with very disheveled hair, and just so fucking tired.
i've already finish looking at my wardrobe, and matching every single piece of top to wear.
im so pathetic that im laughing at myself, cos i was laughing at myself.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
time flies.
dun wonder why, there's no reason.
it went, it came.
beauty world macs has fucking lousy routers.
im being so gay.
i need a new playlist in my iTunes, songs of my age.
i lied.
i wanna sleep.
im so tired.
im looking at tickets and accommodations for bangkok again.
im pissed.
i miss amber who did my note.
im finding pictures for my msn dp.
dun see me online?that's because I BLOCKED YOU.
it wasnt a mistake to avoid, cos it was to save me.
i needa check price for external HDD.
im craving for Starbucks Choc frappe.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
so ytd was the last day of school...woke up, woke the chiobu up...
then to school, i went IT helpdesk and configure my laptop, on the last day of school....haha...
first class meeting, i was just fiddling with my ipod haha...and then to trcc...
collected laptop and started second meeting, not doing work too...busy setting up my laptop.
lunch time was playing around and singing time. SWINGed erynne with shangeetha...haha...dun be angry with me ok...caught up with eliza and 'lunched' in class....sent her to bus stop and back for third meeting. btw, out of topic, it's time to bitch~!(but im kind, i just wanna comment) why must you be so criticizing even on the last day of school? you think you're better? sorry but i dun think you are any better than me through this four months ok. thank goodness i dun have to face you anymore.
managed to slip through presentation by crapping and really, thank you Wendy for giving me a C even though i had forgotten to do my RJ and evaluation. after school, went to 'study' for UT. we really tried to study? ended up foodhaven and doing something else. then to office i go and home.
finished up setting up my laptop, transferring of files and stuff (that made me remember nothing abt RJ), done by 2am. slept by 3.
today woke up later than i wanted to, left house by 830?, and to eliza house i go. had macs breakfast there and off to school we go...walking in the school at 11am sharp like we were walking on our grandpa's road.telling myself, Enterprise UT3 is gonna be fine...south canteen-ed after UT, acc erynne to eat and chat with ryan...haha...then to Westmall for UP!!!damn funny and cute in office....dunno whether will stay till tonight or not.........................
sorry that i cried. it just had to hit me hard today. i couldnt hold back anymore, but i did try my best to control myself to not to cry in public anymore.
i know crying in public is not good, especially when you are in the food court and no one knows what's going on. i will remember to hold back till bedtime, when no one is noticing, like how im dealing with now. im breaking down, and it's not gonna heal back fast. please give me some time to numb myself, and act normal again.
Monday, August 17, 2009
the way to start the week? to put on masks and act like nothing has happened.
what comes out of it? nothing but acts and lies.
at abt 845am, made the decision to partial...just 15mins into the lesson today and that's it...
i feel that im so pathetic, so pathetic.
was it a mistake to not cut deeper two years ago? was it a mistake to run away from everything and end up having such a fucked up life now? was it a mistake to take everything the way it comes and not question it even if it was wrong?
i have so many questions in my head running... everything that is driving me to a dead end now, was everything that made me survive through the years.
im a bird without legs, not about having freedom, but about no legs to land on safety; grounds. so i have to fly hopelessly, no matter how tired i am, so that things can still fall on me. when i dive down, i dive down straight, into the ground.
Saturday, August 15, 2009

if you cant stand me, do me a favour, help me get yourself the fuck out of my life. it wasnt my choice to be in yours too.
so,after the talk, bus-ed to woodlands mart. the stupid atm machine there is also not working....anyway, ate macdonalds. erynne babe accompanied me to the dentist who i want to kill now, and, she chose PINK for my bands. so, im officially pink-ed. then walked her home, and bus-ed home...
very tired, sleepy sleepy... RJ-ed, bathed, napped, chatted, blablabla, now tired!!!!!!!!!
why am i so tired???
Friday, August 14, 2009
So today woke up late haha, Erynne chio was earlier, rather rare eh. Anyway maths was as usual give the i-dont-understand-care face. First break was at haven, the food tasted like total shit. Couldn't even finish like1/4 of it. Class after that.. one hour of boredom and break 2 was about 'knowing my own school'.lol. Practically went haven for waffles, Atm to withdraw but no money inside the machine(how ironic lol .__.), south canteen, koufu and lastly the library. We actually found some spots that couples can make out HAHA. :P
Half of the class went off after 2nd break so it was left with 2 group. Damn nianoya(no idea what this is,lol) Khairul joined our group and lead to group discommunications. The faci asked a tad too much questions, everyone couldn't think but gave the shot anyway cos it was the last lesson for maths. :D Finished earlier than we thought it would be, before 3pm. Slacked with the rest, sing Celine Dion- My heart will go on HAHA cheryl can really sing can. Eliza, we should go kbox next time with our xiao meimei okay? HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE.
Oh yes, this talk is so redundant,might as well don't think to go. But for the sake ofCE points...
Cheryl put on P.I.N.K braces bands okay later? :D Luvv luvv.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
so it's either im really sick or not paying attention......
eliza never come school, eriani late.. -.-...i no strength to nag them liao la...
so, today was science, practically slacked whole day....I DUN REALLY WANNA GIVE A DAMN ALREADY.
normal routine, walkabout in foodhaven...and i was not allowed to buy drinks... :(
back to class, uber fb-ing...and resting....
then lunch time 'kenna drag' to trcc to buy soft drink but got iced tea...better than nothing....
so you get why it is $4 now my dear eriani?
ate outside class to avoid puking upon seeing some people...only noe how to curse curse curse...
fucking bloody turtle only started presentations after 2pm...(after i made noise..HAHA)...
cube field all the while...and off class...went to office, sleep sleep sleep....really luckily brought scarf..if not really cannot breathe with jacket on....home at 9pm...ate poopie sh*t dinner...took, now chatting with eliza....she now cough cough cough....): ...
tmr got dentist appt at admiralty at i guess im gonna linger around CWP as time pass...haha
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
why wont my fucking sickness just kill me?
besides the freaking flu and cough and throat infection, i fucking develop a high fever overnight.
woke up at 630am in a very uncomfortable way, felt very giddy the moment i stepped down the bed.
quicky took biscuit and a damn big cup of milo and took medicine.
although all my medicine were drowsy, i didnt expect to be so drowsy till i can sleep anywhere, and anyhow, on the chair while eating breakfast, while squatting down on the floor.
i've been sleeping all day, no matter where i was.
fever has been in and out, in and out. i'm still not feeling better.
perspiring even in air-con surrounding.
feel so weak...feeling very grumpy too~~~
sicky sick...medicine medicine...
rest ok babe.
why do i always pass germs to you people???...T.T...
2.19am. so today i was quite irresponsible, was sick but still went to school. but i had the courtesy to cover my mouth most of the time when i could control my sneezes and coughs ok...
i've been coughing my lungs out...feel some wheezing sick...
totally felt asleep on bus to office and then in the office. went to SilverCross to see doctor and was given normal flu and throat infection medicine. so im not that sick, given mc till friday. checked on both erynne and eliza to see if they were fine but sorry, eliza, you caught the germs. i really feel bad ok...same goes to erynne when i passed her the last time. now, my drowsy medicine are making me sleepy and stuff so i guess im off...ciao...
Monday, August 10, 2009
so apparently, no car wanted to bang me. therefore, im here to update my blog.
why is it just so hard to have a 45min run and a cold bath after that?
just fucking car to bang, no peace while running.
imagine exactly full TWENTY mosquito bites on your f-ing body.
totally, if someone gives me a clean blade, im cutting myself.
someone just fucking hell tell me why i should continue to live in suffering and crying everyday.
*reason number 1: 'it's enough of you loving others, you should now open up and accept others' love for you.' thanks friend. but, ...
9.25pm-just being random, sorry erynne i cry-faced you just now.
10.02pm- can someone just stop me from crying??i cant do anything. why is my life so screwed?
thanks erynne, i know you're there too.
Hi, how should I address you? Erm ok, hi my first and only ex, happy
birthday. I was actually hesitating to reply when you msned me last
night at 3.55am. So, we talked, till 5am. Having some things sorted
out, I'm very glad. I think some of the funniest things is that it was
good that we forgotten most of the things. Another is that we were
confused whether it was four, five, or six years ago. Sorry I couldn't
remember much. And so much abt our only two pictures together. I
thought this talk was good, though I've been stuffing alot of 'haha's
to fill in the blanks. I mean, we have never been really talking for
this long. Throughout this draggy 'painstaking' four five years of
relationship, never once right? Life's great, alright. It would really
be great for both of us to let everything go. Haha.
:D, Cheryl.
(ps. I purposely kept a record of our chat last night to refer if
need. )
i think im really shocking myself, seriously.
this feeling comes striking, and for this time, it's real.
why am i so shocked? i dont know what to do.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
guess i just found some perfect lyrics. WELCOME TO MY LIFE- SIMPLE PLAN
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
9.53pm..i want to cry badly...just want to cry...not enough emo songs.
ps, thanks eliza, for letting me know you'll be there for me, just like i am ok. you just made me cry cos im touched. i dun really wanna go for prog too cos my ut2 sucked alr. i will not say dun want to pics anymore. ... lovelove too
to you two bitches.
what a night to laugh and smile nonstop, to a freaking screen that is...
thanks eriani and eliza for bringing my smile back to my face...
crazy facebook-ing of cube field, and notes and comments...and msn dp and messages were all around tonight. not forgetting My Happy Ending, and I Know You Want Me, eriani.
dear eriani and eliza, i really, really treasure our friendship and really, really thank you two for putting smiles on my face, and letting me have beautiful memories. i cant imagine how days are gonna be when we split class. life in poly would never ever be the same without you two bitches. thanks for making me, such a innocent, not yet 17y/o girl, become a nasty bitch, and let me have crazy fb note-doings, my first visit to a chalet party, my first orchard 'shopping' in years, my first meal at NYP macs, my first real pool playing, my first visit to new marina square and flyer, the funny nasi lemak meetings@foodhaven, my cool bus rides to and fro woodlands, the fun taptap challenges, fun singing in the bus and whatsoever that makes up the happy memories wonderful. we shall continue to have fun in the remaining days ok? i promise i will try hard to not hide at a corner and crying while see any of you laughing at your screen. haha, and please try hard to come to school all days to let this come true. i dont mind making more calls in the morning to wake you two up, and rushing you two out of the house to be early for school. love you two...
xoxo, Cheryl.
it's been hours and im still smiling like a fucktard to a screen.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
just bored dun agree with education part though)
Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love: You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education: Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you: You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success: You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of: You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self: You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
i really wanna let everything out here, but i dont know wad's holding me back.
that feeling just... engulf me from everything. and the next thing i know, the right opposite feeling comes striking, leaving me torn and tired. i've cried, lesser times this week, praying that i'll be just fine, putting on masks to be smiling and laughing. i dont know if i need someone to pull me out of this shit, i wish i knew how it feels again. this is the beginning of the long weekend, without anything to distract and keep me busy, i dont know how im gonna survive through this.
before i have no chance to say, love you all.
fb quiz.
Your Result: You are the ultimate cryer
You cry for every reason. You are a weekling. You are extremely easy to hurt and cry about everything. It's a good thing to cry, but if you cry too much you're eyes will hurt. You should probably not cry so much, but dont hide your feelings either, just dont be so dramatic. It causes people to either feel sorry for you or create harsh thoughs about you. So, try to cry a little less and let out your feelings at the same time.
Friday, August 07, 2009
today cognitive was slacky.....super slacky....
eriani and i, or maybe just myself, were facebooking all day...
went to foodhaven for breakfast today...had chicken macaroni cos they had no bubur or however eriani babe spells it...but she whine whine whine abt how bad the food was and HOW HER APPETITE WAS RUINED and played with it. like i didnt feel sick finishing my own share of macaroni. she got her retribution anyway, had spilled root beer over herself. and so, i started nagging at her...haha...GO AND EAT.
till second break, she finally chose to buy roti john and ate some(but still whine, 'Where's my daily dosage of MAYO~?'). then we went outside classroom till 130pm. she dunno doing wad, laughing like crazy, and slept on bench. haha..
went back in to help to finish ppt. and then played msn games with my dear pri 1 cousin, randall. time really flies dude.
end of class, no one to walk with so lonely, luckily met Sabby who acc me till my bus came.
haha..thanks Sabsab...went to office, and did wad i had to actually do earlier this week. kenna scolding, damn sad la...
ate dinner, wait for 8pm and go home....
settled down, tv-ed, now nothing to do, ka-jiao-ing eriani...hehe...having fun arguing and changing DPs..hha...
very bored!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
so fuckedup today.....just f this emo shit....the way to get it out of my life is that i should just go jump down....
seriously, if i one day cant take it and i jump, i apologise to my friends and family here first...
sorry that you guys have to go through this f-ing shit life with me and stuff. i just dun wanna share, dun want anything....i cant even fucking hell cry to anyone. fuck this 16 years of life man. im just so f-ing lost....
today left with house with eriani babe's balloon hitting my head like wad....met eliza who purposely be early at school to be earlier than went into class like nobody's business like that....
then eriani pop into the class just when i wanted to stand next at the door and gave me a big shock.
so passed her the balloon and her card....hehe....then gossip gossip with eliza....first break foodhaven with them and just this f-ing emo thing struck again....then after school went to flyer to treat eriani babe Popeye with eliza...i like totally dunno where the hell we were can....after eating went back to marina square to play arcade...both of them with their guitar, drums and their parapara....then after that, took 960....eriani and i blasted what i had on my ipod and it was just totally,oldies,fast,oldies....all the way....and so eliza dropped at her place and i acc eriani back to woodlands...we just had this crazy sing-along and that f-ing song just made me wanna cry...reached woodlands...i lazy to take bus so i took train home...homed....settled down....continued nagging at eriani...
*do RJ do RJ do RJ.....stop fb-ing.....dun care photos....hahahah....*
did RJ and started FB-ing...eriani, you just have to 'hurt' me again... :(
now cant get to sleep, while my siblings has gone to fetch my mum from the airport.
end of life....and of wallet.
and also just wanna say thanks to both eliza and eriani for like 'bringing me out these days and open the big world to me' haha....xiaomeimei yong yuan ai ni men....i really had fun and really hope we keep in contact after we split class... :)... LOVES.
hurt so bad; why?
1337hrs- still not feeling better.
happy erynne day. loves you.
crazy week.
this week, is so crazy...monday, mama flew off and will only come back on thursday.
monday, i didnt wake up to go the afternoon, was 'made' to meet eriani and eliza and go to NYP macs, all the way from clementi.
then, tuesday went to school.went to timah to acc eliza to alterher pants. dragged eriani along.
went to eat prata, and played pool. pool, my first time really playing pool, not to say legally. really first time. damn cool man. after collecting pants, eliza went home and i sent eriani back to woodlands. haha...she super lucky man. spent only one bus fare, got free prata, got free pool to play, and a free ride home. haha...
*and thanks for acting as my support so i wont fall down. XD*
i didnt need another performance in the bus.
*and you will be the first to know when i turn into a guy ok*
and i bus-ed to clementi central and went kaikai for a while.
wednesday(today)-i did NOT plan to skip school today. i had three alarms, and my sister waking me up, but i just went back to sleep....sorry eliza, that 'i MIA-ed from you.' haha...
woke up, lunched, and went to cut hair. said byebye to my
thick hair...then went to bpp to buy dinner. wrong timingly, i went all the way back home to deliver dinner and grab some colour pen and went all the way back to bpp to meet eliza. settled down at macs and i ate d. cheeseburger while she ate alot of shaker fries. called eriani babe and tricked her saying that we were at woodlands and would drop by her place to meet her.
in the end, it was proven that eriani is very gulli...i mean very simple-minded. right babe?
so i went home...hopped on to my sis bf car at the entrance of the carpark and back home...
settled down and tv-ed...and eriani babe laughed when i asked her that she trust eliza or my chinese. wished her happy birthday and got ready for bed...wad im waiting now, is to finish translating for dear eliza and pack bag and sleep. haha
hi 'stranger', thanks for correcting me the correct number of years we were at on my July18th post.
thanks for still being able to remember this freako that has appeared in your life.
so anyway, if you are still waiting for the acceptance of request in Facebook, please continue waiting. Let me think about it. You may be able to view some of my profile through your friend CSX, whom i dunno why i added her for.
Sunday, August 02, 2009