Tuesday, June 30, 2009
i will never end crazes for goo these days. and the new song really rocks. and the new song is really nice!!!!
and i've been stuck with freaking e-learning for the past few days. enough of it already dude.
have been out of home these days, at Holland V. Starbucks drinking my choc. frappe.
was chatting and webcam-ing with charmaine last night.
wadeva it is, Charmaine, I love you, all of us loves you. ROCK ON!!!
finally slept at 3am and woke at 2pm.
decided to skip today's e-learning and went to TiongBahru Coffee Bean.
then headed down to Dover to meet the gang for dinner.
went to Big Bookshop and to cityvibe. and one fucking birdshit landed on my head.
i practically screamed, ran to toilet and washed my head. luckily my shades blocked most of it.
after that, we all headed home, and first thing i did was to bathe, washed my hair like very thoroughly two times, my scalp was like hurting already.
so tired, and finishing my piece of cake.
cant think anymore, will update soon!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
光明会 RETURNS!!!

何韻詩 - 舊約
作曲: 陳奐仁for the invisible men/ 何秉舜@goomusic
填詞: 黃偉文
編曲: 陳奐仁for the invisible men/ 何秉舜@goomusic
監製: 陳奐仁for the invisible men/ 何秉舜@goomusic/ hocc@goomusic
危急時間 有力氣
尋常的我 從來無一點 傳奇
何解今天會飛 都只因你起
捱一顆子彈 一波海嘯 兩場地震
約會約好 鐵鞋踏碎 都撐下去
攔一輛坦克 一支火箭 百人換上武裝 也無懼
誰為約定 能這麼 飽經風雨 又行雷
朝你身影 走過去
誰要阻止 不要去 我亦去
臨危想你 平凡人基因 突然
夷平圍牆千里 還擒拿幾艘戰機
凌空轉體八週 再着地~
捱一顆子彈 一波海嘯 兩場地震
約會約好 鐵鞋踏碎 都撐下去
攔一輛坦克 一支火箭 百人換上武裝 也無懼
誰為約定 能這麼 飽經風雨 又行雷
忘我演出 壯舉
來一束死光 一天飛劍 兩輪疫症
要是我知 你還赴約 怎會後退
練一尊金身 一雙天眼 滿懷熱血 再險 也無懼
純為証實 人世間 生死之約 尚留傳
像鉄金剛 衝過去
誠心和你 約會去
准我舉起五噸的吊臂 為你
Thursday, June 25, 2009
laptop ready, just next to my head. haha.
waking up at 8 tmr to do e-learning. what crap..
today was bad. very tired and went partial.
no mood to do anything. homed, now sleep...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
already on the bed trying to get ready for sleep while i put together movies files.
just finish chatting with shermin for today's problem and we'll meet tmr again...
and also, i finally got my MSN updated to the newer version.
how i hate changing things...and i managed to get my webcam fixed...
so today met with up shermin at MRT and walked to school.
it was science, and i dunno why i got so irritated by that faggot.dooorgh..
and everyone's getting sick in a way or another.
and i was very very sleepy...imagine that you are very sleepy but you cant get to sleep and when you can sleep but you are not sleepy. worse case ever.
my body system was like going crazy today and will cock up totally sooner or later.
so i went downstairs to look for Sabby to kajiao her and up again into class.
the day passed very slowly but i just couldnt get to sleep...
and to think that i went for that talk after school without sleeping (though i wasnt listening anyway).
i didn't eat the whole day as well, cos i was like broke and also lazy to walk to the ATM.
so went to the office, did my RJ and slacked awhile.
off to buy dinner and bathed and settled down...now, ever-ready to sleep...
seeya tmr.
final note to you. i guess it's goodbye.
why am i getting bothered by you again? it's been like 5-6 years and i dun even noe whether you are referring to me or not...
wadeva it is, i guess i can only say sorry?
things have changed through these years and the relationship between you and me is like over.
come on, i dun even really consider guys now...
i also dun care whether you can find your own way here.
i need a rest. i need to find another 'you'.
I'm so tired, lying on bed with eyes closing. Slept for 2.5 hrs only
and did a one-woman-show today. Met Shermin and chatted for a while.
Mutual friend support is important. then didn't join eliza and
eriani at sumo house only to find mama wants to eat there too. So met
again. Haha.and homed to take a 2 hour nap. Hehe. Woke and did RJ. And
now sleep. Meeting Shermin today at 7.50 tmr. Goonight everyone.
End of update.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
ending the week with Father's Day gathering at uncle's place.
and with Jacq now at my house working...
spent today, having 'spoilt' chicken rice for lunch, then to IMM-present for uncle, and to JP for present for Pa.
so i was at JP with my bro to see what we can buy for Pa and so we decided on a shirt in John Little. We spent the remaining time shopping and looking around, and i bought a spec for my bro and a camera necklace for myself...hehe...which ends myself up as BROKE-broke...
$5 a day after i bought my earpiece and now, $2.70 a day....great, im living on sandwiches every day...hahaha....BROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need to beg now...hahha...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
so tired, and bloody pissed with mum pms-ing on me...
fuck man, im not the only available person at home to do housechores and be her 出氣筒。
whether it's schooling or hoildays, i need my fucking personal time too.
cant even blow dry my hair in peace.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
i just bought a brand new Audio-Technica ATH-CK1 earphone...yay, not the best but still better than what i had...the noise insolating is great, so guys, SHOUT at me when my earphone is on!!!haha...
i've always wanted a pair of Bijou3 or a Shure, but a poor student like me will take forever to save up to get my hands on them...
this time round, i was quite rush into deciding to get this piece...i was seriously desperate to get one within $30 budget...in the end, i got fed-up checking out the prices and bought this baby at $38...(resulting me to gonna starve and be thrifty for the rest of the month...BROKE)
Bass with my iPod Touch sounds okay, but i just somehow felt that the sounds were weird...i gotta monitor...probably i havent got used to in-ear/noise-insolating...and now im burning the baby...cool...
here for a short post after adding my Twitter Updates above, to check that everything is alright...
my Twitter, nothing much there anyway. was my secret hideout to vent but strangers from the other parts of the world just adds me. and now to share with everyone. so, twitter-ers, tell me if you want to be followed or follow me..
anyway, check that box widget up there for updates if i dun blog
will update blog tmr.
now, back to getting some sleep.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
One, two, three, four...
Still awake...drowning myself with songs from my iPod and twittered.
late and i find nothing to do!!!it's the most stupid feeling to have.
watching tv but it aint showing those oldies that i got addicted to few days ago...
i wanna sing again, just sing. trying very hard to catch the tunes for songs in Joey's new CD.
my mum is like thinking of bringing me to sing K some time after work these days, before i get back to school next week...
i supposedly had a long text after this paragraph that i've written for half an hour but fuck Safari had to cock-up when i didnt manage to save the whole entry... feeling very 無奈 now...what the hell is with Safari man...Shit.
late and i find nothing to do!!!it's the most stupid feeling to have.
watching tv but it aint showing those oldies that i got addicted to few days ago...
i wanna sing again, just sing. missing those jamming in the school halls practicing for tuesday chapels. and singing in class, getting others to be hooked on and sing along....
my mum is thinking of bringing me to sing K some time after work these days, before i get back to school next week...and my brother(yes, he's back in town, quarreling with me until he leaves in Sept?) is like 'bring her to the Safra one, i got membership! or to the $10 dollar one better!!'. and he is somehow making us irritated by 'expressing his views' of how hot singapore is, like hello, we are trying very hard to cope with it for the past months too you noe...
but still, H~O~T~! red dot... every day, i do not fail to perspire even if im in front of the fan(i dont switch on aircon till it's approaching to sleeping time, im saving earth that's why) all day long. i so wish to wear singlets and short shorts every day.
after this long crap i've written for the past half an hour, i still cant find anything to do...
i've been spending time playing guitar, reading All's well that ends well - Shakespeare ebook on my iPod, race/locorocco/DJmax with my PSP, and CS/FreeCell/Twitter-ing on my lappy and im bored. quite excited abt the new iPhone 3GS though...Irish was like posting this thread in the forum and now, im tempted to get one even when i noe i seriously do not have any means to get it...
and im finally getting a lil bit sleepy now...yea...bye...
Monday, June 08, 2009
omg, i think i just 'recovered' from a sudden attack of depression?
ok nvm...at least im back now...
lalala...already passed half of the holidays..doing nothing...
except for one outing to charmaine's house to her birthday party.
and man, her colleagues are such good and humorous people....
anyway today, went to Jurong Point, ate Billy Bombers and walked around...
bought a dress and jeans. yea, new clothes, crap, money spent..
and i bought Joey's 'A Time For Us', for supporting Kiri@Goomusic...and for 006+HoBB la...hahaha.....now listening through the songs...bye...
Saturday, June 06, 2009
做好準備, 我仍然等著。
Thursday, June 04, 2009
holidays, just too 'busy' to have things updated here...
very bored...not going out, working for fuck, no good shows on tv, getting bored with FreeCell and Counter-Strike.
i miss people now...charmaine, bolin, dorcas, amber and ralene. man, those were the days...
tybm-ing and pizzahut-ing, not forgetting laughing gang in kfc..can we do that again???