Monday, March 30, 2009
oh well, something to be happy of...i can spend lesser money studying at RP...
i was eating with my mum at RP koufu today and the food's SO CHEAP...
cheaper than my secondary school...and tastier!!!!got my TYBM and Yeo's drinks...
haha.yea...TYBM is $2 and fishballbeehoon is $1.50...drinks avg is 80cents...
these days i've been very lost..
first of all, sorry to charmaine and family and bolin for not being able to join you guys for hotpot and drinking session.
so sad la...
i went to Rp today to configure my laptop...and although i've almost adapt to the new system, i cant do a shit with my lappy now...other than going online and watching cds, cos I HAVE NO MEMORY TO PUT MY FILES. therefore, i cant do anything else. no music, no pictures, no nothing. SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm damn pissed nw la....ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Today was great!!
Woke up, worked, and off to meet Charmaine, Bernard, Bolin and Dorcas.
Was happy to meet with Dorcas again. She's so dark now cos she's in
touch rugby CCA. haha... After collecting our leaving-school cert, we
went around the schools to remind ourselves the memories and fun we
have held in our hearts. Then we went to find teachers to catch up. We
caught Mdm Lim, Mr Ho and Mrs Ly-ann for chats. Plus that 老張 who
thinks that I'm joking with her when she realized that I wasn't
retaking. Damn her. Then Mr Ho was still the same, "I'm your career
guidance officer!", and all his 'logics' and 'theories'. Then Ms Tai
came out and of course I said hi. She's one of my favorite teacher ok.
Haha. Then I let her see my cert and testimonial. And so I was scared
that she would scold and 'beat' me again, I ran away. In the end, only
one sigh for me and then she was comparing the nice file and
laminations of the cert to the past with Mdm Lim. Then we ended our
conversations and took some pictures before we went opposite for more
memories and for dinner. Hehe. Pictures should be up next post when I
blog with my laptop. Then we went to Hian Ling to visit Uncle and
Auntie. 珍珍(?) is so big now. Then we went to the park and played in
the playground for a while before we went to eat. We also found out
that our favorite chicken rice stall had closed down. So sad! So in
the end, all of us ate our favorite TOM YAM BAN MIAN except for Bolin
who ate veg. rice. And we decided to try to have such a gathering back
to school to eat TYBM once a month. Haha. Then we went home.
Overall, I'm glad that I've seen my teachers and caught up with them,
except for that mushroom whom I wanted to get my toaster back from.
And, I'm very very happy to have TYBM again. Still the best I've
eaten. True happiness today.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Home and feeling uneasy. Headache and serious hypertension going on in
me. Can't stand facing the laptop screen so I'm blogging with my iPod.
Shopped half of my day at JP. I'm craving for food now but feel
nauseous. Maybe I need some anti-depressant and relaxant and some
whatever medicine for my hypertension.
Meeting dorcas, bolin and charmaine tmr at Fairfield to get our
leaving school certificate. Needa rest. Ciao.
I hate having water retention, especialy with it on my face. Baggy eye
bags, and looking like I'm pregnant. Roar!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
i feel great!
i feel so 充實....haha...
well...summary of yesterday...
i met Charmaine at Doctor Yeo's before going to JP.
while waiting for the doc to come, we went to eat chicken rice...
and we really 八卦 alot...towards the good side of course...
and one of the conclusions we came to was 我們老了!!!!
then we met Bolin at JE MRT platform after leaving the doctor's.
although Charmaine had to report work, she still stayed with us till someone called to rush her...
as Bolin was complaining that he was hungry, we accompanied him to LJS and looked at him eat.
then we went to ka-jiao Charmaine.
then we walked around for a while...then i SAW.....
HOCC'S 'Goomusicollection04-08' and 'Ten Days In The Madhouse' was on display at the entrance of MJ.
yea...finally i see Hocc's CDs on obvious display in SG!!!!!!
okok...then Bolin and i went home...and the end.
today i was cooking my own lunch when the gas went out on me!!!!
luckily, i had a microwave at before i continued to cook, i went downstairs to order gas.
cook cook cook, ding-dong, the gas came after 3omins? and i was still cooking...
then i used the stove to finish cooking...
that's all for the day...nothing to do...
will be meeting Dorcas and Charmaine on thursday at school to collect our documents...haha
hehe...then saturday to buy food for sunday's bbq...
but saturday is to go 山上 拜 my ahma.....see how la...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
very unwell.
and i just realise that i can blog using the Mail2Blogger thingy rather than having to download apps for my ipod to blog...haha...
my headache is still very bad, plus my stomach is giving me troubles.
i just hope i can meet up with the gang for lunch tmr...though dorcas has school and ralene sprained her leg so they cant join us.
i just cut my hair today...and i think i'll never like my hair no matter who and how it is cut.
dinnered downstairs today.
and i finally got some clips of 'The L word' online and like others, I WILL SO GO GAY FOR SHANE(Kate Moennig). haha...
edited on 12th april.I WILL SO GO GAY FOR MARINA(Karina Lombard). She's so charming.
memory loss
i've been wanting to post this up since a week ago? and i just cant rmb to do so.
the Earth Hour-28th March-8.30pm.
Switch Off your lights for that one hour along with others in the world, to help and save our planet.
Just Before I Sleep
I am using my iPod to send this post, hope it works. I actually forgot wad I wanna post abt after downlading this app. Will be back.
Posted with LifeCast
音樂是獻給真正懂得欣賞的人。 from baidu
音乐,我们可以无时无刻听到,但是我们并不是真正懂得什么是音乐.......当然,很多人说,音乐是由作曲,作词人创作的,是由歌手去演绎的,是由观众去欣赏的。No, you are wrong.
她是 最继承梅艳芳精神的徒弟
她是 香港最多爱包围的歌手
她的 演唱会让人欲罢不能 回味无穷
她可以 美艳到不行,也可以简简单单干干净净
她用 心去做音乐, 不顾一切
她踏实走每一步路, 获得肯定,但不能以蹲计算
她是 何韵诗(hocc)
她以前有梅姐爱她,但是现在我们相信梅姐一定会陪着她,看着她,现在有黄伟文,Eddie哥哥,还有很多爱她的人爱着她,including 我们。
她不会理会别人介意或是怀疑她的性取向,因为她知道在事情没发现之前,什么都有可能,不能够make sure or随便make a decision.
couldn't resist to not post this up...真係越睇越激動!單解心!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
currently sitting on the floor of my kitchen and enjoying my meal, watching 鐵甲無敵獎門人
still cooking@7.13pm.
my original plan was to go for a jog and come back and prepare dinner.
then i skipped my jogging cos i was unwell and too tired to do so.
my blood pressure is very high too.
now after i was preparing, i thought putting up the before and after pictures of my food all at once but then i started to eat. before i took any of my food. i took pictures of still cooking my potatoes, eaten one piece of my pizza, few mouthful of my soup and most of the chicken. i'll eat my mix salad last..
great, i'm talking to you of the little things. put up with me...haha
just came back from Holland V. and Cold Storage.
hadn't eaten any proper meal since the day started, therefore, i decided to cook my own dinner.
and the menu is little bit too much.
i have mushroom soup, pizza, potatoes and Thai Chicken Feet.mix.Japanese Scallop Wings and some Black pepper chicken.
will be back after i cook.
Friday, March 20, 2009
very tired.
very tired...i am still having difficulties getting to sleep every morning and i have to struggle to get enough sleep.
today met two of my 師妹s(hehe), one came for lessons, another came for dinner-date.
of course eating with Jacq means REAL FOOD. so we went to the Chong Pang BBQ buffet newly opened at Turf City. Operating Hours are 4pm to 12am. so we reached at 830pm? and left at 11pm...haha...i was busy being the photographer...evidences...haha...then Jacq took over the camera for a while.(side track lil-Jacq is gonna get it from me. all the shots of me taken by her, i look DAMN fat. im fat enough on normal pics but these really got on my nerves.) gotta maybe post them up at facebook if my mum doesnt posts... weight is dropping bit by bit, in very bits but still dropping...but i see my double chin gonna like go out in my coat and scarf round my neck back to my running the day after...after i get the air ticket(for my grandpa.i ain't leaving SG again till i change my passport) at Peace Center and shopping at PS tmr..., i love talking to myself.
rewatching 'Look For A Star' again, i finally understand why some say that goo really looked like mui...the hair, just reminds me of... ...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
that guy who impersonated me couldn't stand himself so childish.
hope he thinks through and go for therapy. poor thing.
hope this thing just ends here.
i got myself calm and steady to face this issue but i was just too curious to see what the person would do next so i spammed Bolin's board. sorry again.
actually, this quote helped me. i saw it somewhere a few days ago before this issue occurred.
Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it.~ Rene Descartes
very sian now...have been unwell for these few days actually. my running nose just cant stop today. my nose will soon be wipe off by me wiping my mucus away. my eyes are always affected. my throat is joining in the fun. and i feel like vomiting.
i cooked mushroom soup for supper ytd...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
some dumbass idiot can be so stupid to pick me as a person to impersonate.
he's either out of his mind or 心理不平衡.
first of all, SORRY to bolin cos i've spamed his board quarreling with that childish, senseless pervert guy.
there is already a list of childish guys in my mind that would do such actions.
and im munching again, on my bar of chocolate.
im bored. again.
im super bored. woke up early to meet my uncle and aunt.
then went to botak jones for late lunch. i was full like balloon.
then went back to office and received a call from my dear charmaine.
man, i was seriously happy to receive her call.
she said she was going to the movies with bernard, bolin and her brother and asked if i wanted to join.
as usual, due to late notice, i couldn't join them.. :(
but i met up with them for a short while since they were meeting somewhere in the vicinity.
haha...we went to char's aunt's house to buy balloons.

doesn't this look like something?
hehe...and pls forget abt my messy bed in the background.
and so they went to cineleisure for the movies, and i went back to work.
and thus, the beginning of the boredom.
i began to sleep since i had nothing to do...
reached home and started to munch munch munch...
and i swear, there's so many temptations at home.
no wonder i gain weight after i got back to singapore.
here's some temptations;
get it? haha...
and here's my latest fav.
Snyder's Pretzel Pieces (Cheddar Cheese).
i wanted to give it a try after some recommendation so i was like trying very hard to find it in HongKong/ShenZhen since the recommendation started there. i returned empty-handed.
BUT, guess, where did i find it? i found it at the pharmacy at NUH!!!!-.-! the least expected place.
it's nice.
and with these temptations, i've put on 3kg?
so therefore i went for a jog ytd, of sudden crave to jog.
in the end, 3kg>(4km+overstretched leg muscles).
oh, and did i mention i was on the verge of losing my voice? my voice suddenly went very 沙啞 and i had sorethroat.
end of post+iTunes on shuffle
Sunday, March 15, 2009
after a jog,
edited @10.24pmhoho, i realised this was my 200th post. so happy 200th post?!
i went for a jog at 6 and came back at was sure a good run...1500m into the canal and out plus way back to house, 4km?hehe...
at least i feel a lil less frustrated...
and i enjoyed a banana to the fullest...heehee..
crazy...i just finish bathing and drying my hair...
and my legs are real aching
and i feel sleepy..zzzzzz....
Friday, March 13, 2009
gotten over...
...yesterday's venting. it's the middle of the night now and im sitting in the living room watch old tv series with my mum...shows how bored i am...
my mum told me that i will get a new lappy if this current one is not acceptable for poly life...
of course i hope that this wouldn't make it...but then again, my family ain't able to afford to get a new prob we'll see how...
well, recently, i was 'made' to join myspace, alivenotdead, ilike and twitter by someone.
will be very busy updating and attending to all these on top of friendster and facebook.
luckily i got this subscribed at alivenotdead so i dun really have to keep an eye there.
i am getting more and more random.
feel like going for lunch with charmaine, bolin and amber. wonder how's dorcas?hehe
then again, anyone interested to go Joey Yung's concert on 18th April at the Max Pavillion?
im talking to myself...-.-....
hi!, bye!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
mood:very down and awful. just finished crying badly and writing of diary.
i'm back in singapore for a couple of days already and sorry for not updating.
been busy with my prep for enrollment and stuff.
i've been having troubles sleeping since i came back;
i think anyone would if they had their room made-over without their consent and with so much stress weighing upon.
my mood has been badly affected and i have no room for a break.
everything is crashing. and i've no trust in god or anyone else;
im alone. the thoughts of running away and suicide are back.
i've nowhere to go to to cry or hide; not even here.
i think im still able to be thankful to be thinking of ways to distress than ways to suicide currently.
i need a good run; in rain is better. anyone with me?
and im having second thoughts to have kids so that they wont even have possibility to have this awful feeling of mine.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
they work least for this time round?probably they had everything ready for orders.
oder confirmed on 24th Feb.
Final confirmation of details and mailed on 25th Feb.
Parcel delivery on 2nd Mar.
too bad i wasnt at home...ah!!!!!!!!!!
now i have to wait till i get back to SG and call for another delivery.
just my luck.