Saturday, December 31, 2005
just wanna say,
God blessed 2005,
and He shall Bless 2006
i spent the day with the church
quite funny though...
in the end, "Bae Yong Jun"(u-noe-hu)
was so quiet after the service...
den we had dinner...
at home, i still had chilli crabs(shiok!!)
den was watching Taiwan's Countdown..
really had NO interest in Singapore's Countdown...
sooo Boring...
reaching looking forward to the new year...
DON'T look back but
look up and out to the new year...
wad i wish for the new year
is to improve on my attitude,
to improve the relationship with my family and "enemies"
maybe just sorting out the probs between us
is just good enuff...
to improve my academic results
JUST haf a beta year in everything..
It goes to U from me too
to u guys readin my blog...
oh no..
woke up @ 10
by a phone call..
den blah blah blah..
in the afternoon,
jessie came messing my place again...
bought lunch together...
and we almost used 1/4 of the soya sauce!!
den blah blah blah...
she left and blah blah blah...
was absent for tonite's meeting..
hehe...lonely @ home...
lonely, im so lonely
i haf nobody, on my own...
den was checking my timetable..
and actually found out
the form teacher is someone we least expected..
oh dear...
i think i will haf a bad year...
God bless me!
den blah blah...
i finally finish my bookshelf labels...
left with pasting..
shall do it tml...hehe...
Thursday, December 29, 2005
after K-Box,
slacking in front of my laptop and tv again...
blogging, msn''ing'',,,'s all i do...
it seems so good slacking @ home
when we're in school...
but thinking back...
it's quite boring sumtimes...
be workaholic than a playaholic?
can it be applied on me?
i think so...
but im just so lazy..
kay la...not so lazy..
it's just lazy...hehe...
my room...
beta than ever..
now left with the bookshelf labels...
i dun slack sooo much kays(to
almost done..hav to find the correct design..
meeting old frenz @ school in a couple of days...
hehe...wonder if they change much..
looking forward maybe?
listening to radio now...
and playing games
and msn''ing''...i wonder wad tym im sleeping tonite!!
i shall heed the advice
sleep early tonite..
maybe will sleep @ 3..
and still hoping tt
my mum will
change her mind to
let me go tml..
im going mute...
coz i juz came back frm K-box
with my mum and sis..
hehe...although i slept
@ 5 this morning...i had to wake up @ 11
to wait for the Ikea delivery...
so tired...
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
TODAY slept @ 4am
and woke up @ 10...
bcoz i was msn"ing" and
when i wanted to slp
suddenly came a sms
ate wif my uncle and aunt for lunch..
then up to the lawyer's to get my name done
and finally i got it done...
i only changed my chinese name..
and it really sounds beta than the old one...
anyway, was sleeping all day long..
slacking in front of my
virus-infected laptop..
haiz...gotta fix it again...
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
so freaking frustrated today..arhgggggg..borin` & tired...
couldnt stay at home and rest..
my back's aching till lyk it's gonna breakafter recovering frm the fall
shoulders' hard lyk stone..
really feel lyk killin' myself..
so tired..
forget it man..
tomorrow still hav to visit my aunt
and buy school shoes..
my old pair looks lyk it was burnt..
haiz...haf to save money!!
school's reopening on the 3rd...
looking back, i dun feel lyk
i had a holiday...
everyday was worse then school days..
so torturing!!!!!
pack up!
today was a hot day!
wish i wore a singlet..
i was at serangoon
touring around the house
my aunt's buying
quite big though..
then was at home
just b4 dinner time
packing up my room after dinner
almost ready except
for my bookshelf(which looks lyk it's gonna break anytime)
and my fridge(which stores my shoes, photos & IT stuffs)
hehe...i still haf lotsa rubbish in my room..
thus, i shall continue working up on my room
b4 school reopens!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!!
today's christmas..
woke up @ 12 dis morning
after slpin @ 4 last night
still tired..
had a feast at my uncle's
wow, tt settled my few days meal!
well, anyway
today came and passed so fast
everything seems to happened in 1 hour..
my room's messing but
packing it was out for me today
guess i just haf to stay at home tml..
Saturday, December 24, 2005
WOW...tonite's simply AWESOME...
WOW, tonite's simply AWESOME!!
the drama, the everything, the atmosphere
were just simply great...
i was just a handicapped dere as i hurt my backbone
anyway back to the topic
we exchanged gifts and etc.
den suddenly
sherin gave me a baby hankerchief
at first i didnt noe why in the world did she giv me tt
den slowly thru the service,
i then realized the reason!!
Thanks Sherin..
then came the drama
was really funny..
den everything went great!
so we ate b4 starting on the carnival..
i "ate" wif them for dinner
but didnt stay for the carnival..
hmm wonder how is serina & the rest..
haf they finish puking?
well although tonite was my last service for the time being
i felt great bcoz i can celebrate Christmas with the c.g.
Praise the Lord..
Thank You Lord
And u guys made
today the most memorable Christmas Eve
in my life.
till we meet again, Hav a happy time, E37!
preparing for christmas eve..
i skipped training again today
coz my mum was sick
but there were things that was needed in the school
so i delivered it
on the way up the stairs,
i had a fall ending up
hurting my old injury at the hipbone
where i fell down the stairs too last year
and my backbone sounds cracky
guess i have to becareful when i see any stairs!!
had lunch den packing up my room
dinner was early
and i started preparing for tomorrow
in the morning i hav to go over to Jeffrey's place again to collect something
then back home...
in the afternoon off i go to service..
back home abt 9..hehe..
dunch haf to stay at home again!!
den staying up all night tomorrow!!
Friday, December 23, 2005
haiz...went to pay respects to my grandma today..
today is the 53rd day since she left me
i really miss her..
she just left us lyk tt..but i thank God tt she was with me for 13+ years..i thank God tt she celebrated my first Christmas and the remaining 11 with meanyway, today was a busy day..
after wad i mentioned above(dun wanna mention it)
my mum and i had to prepare snacks
for the Sec 1 Reg. tomorrow at my school
so troublesome...hehe...
then we got back home in the afternoon
and later at evening
we had jap. food for dinner
seriously, the food really s****
then we went shopping for clothes
i bought a pink top and black 3/4 pants
as a christmas present from my mum(although it wasnt wad i wanted)
but its the thought tt counts kayys
then came home
slacking in front of the tv and my laptop
gotta sleep early tonite
as there's training tomorrow..
Thursday, December 22, 2005
feeling down..
as usual, we quarrelled again
but this time round, it started quite a funny wayi was slacking in front of the tv and my laptopwhen she suddenly called me
she asked "wad do u want for christmas?"i replied "my one and only wish is tt i can go back to city harvest"but she said no straight in my facethen, i cried instantly..and the reason is still the same for those who noe wad it isthen she said"i can only let u go for the christmas service but not continue in tt" i dun wanna tok abt it anymore as it's making me cry againnow i shall call the adviser and tok abt iterm...maybe not now coz it's in the middle of the nite!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
thus...another boring day had pass..
but anyway
im relieved tt i passed the presents to Jeffrey
oh ya he's sick(quite badly)
i will pray for u kays
anyway back to the topic
i was suppose to pass to sherin
but just becoz of tt woman
i didnt
haiz....anywaycharmaine and jessie came my house after the lesson
messing up
and tt we had fun...yea
and miie toopid laptop keeps laggin
haiz..gotta sleep early tonite..
tomorrow still have toopid training..(8am!!)
hehe...maybe i will skip it!!
work hard gal...
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
looking my stressed life
looking back at wad u said
sherin u're rite
this time after toking with u i reflected on myself, on the topic
am i really sick and tired of my mother
i guess its really something abt my attitude
or maybe just because of my depression
after the phone call
i really thought back for a moment
am i really sick and tired of my mother
or is it tt my mind just cant take it anymore
my mind is always bombarded with things tt are troubling me
my parents are divorced
i dont get to see my dad
my mum is always busy with her things
i dont get along with my siblings
wad i can rely now is only my friends
and now she wants to terminate the relationship with my friens
wad have i done wrong
i will really ask myself wad really have i done
i dont understand
i keep all things in my heart and mind
till i always get emotionally breakdown
till i really feel lyk killing myself
i tot of suicide before
but wad is the point if i kill myself
and end everything dis way?
why dont i just carry on living
starting with a new piece of paper
and live a happy life
i tot it over and i cant
theres really alot of things bottled up in me
i need to find a time to destress
with someone maybe if u r willing
waiting for the time and u..
guess that happiness doesnt come from natural course..
a million thanks..
thanks for "councilling" me again,sherin...
well, yes
finally bought the presents for u guys at E37
its not really quite meaningful
but useful
by the way, its the thought tt counts kays
dont come and complain
haiz, thinking abt not going to service with u guys at the expo
makes me sianz half-way aready
really gonna miss u guys lor
haiz, anyway
although we had only met up a few times
i can really feel tt E37 is my second family lor
thanks for everythin
hope to see u guys SOON(as in real SOON)
really miss u guys
rawk on
Sunday, December 18, 2005

few weeks(or days) ago
i was really very angry abt wad u said ON MSN..
it made me on fire!!
but luckily tonite u came and talk things out..
i am sorry tt we haf to end e relationship lyk this
and i admitted
it is my fault
tt we ended up dis way
i am sorry though i noe
nth said or done now can make up
for the hurt i've done
but hope u will find sumone tt suits u beta then me too
i noe tt both of us are not in the mood too
as we lost a beloved one in each of our family
but i really hope
u will live a happy life
and i will too
memories can make a person laff or cry
it depends wad really happened during then
from now onwards
lets keep the happy ones and throw away the sad ones
but i noe tt its hard to do so..
but tts is the only thing we can do to stop the hurting
and now for us
eternal friendship kays?
jus lyk sylvester and tweety i posted up
GOD bless and take care..
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
just came back(3.5 weeks ago?!) frm a wonderful, flawless, perfect camp...
well, guess tis is it...
how i wished tt camp wouldn't end...
anyway, i REALLIE enjoyed myself during tt camp..
the everything there rawks...
hope to see euu guys again...
.i. .m.i.s.s. .e.u.u. .g.u.y.s.
P.S those who have pictures or videos of the camp...PLEASE send them to MIE...thanks..